Monday, August 1, 2011

The Pinterest Challenge, Summer Edition, Week 1

I did it!  I did it!  I did it!

I actually got organized enough to track down everything I needed to complete my first Pinterest Challenge project!  While my adventure wasn't as circuitous as John's, I spent more time and miles which I should have anticipated since I was trying to find glass Christmas ornaments in July.  PLUS I forgot the 20% off coupon I so carefully printed.  Oh well, I can always go back since I work close-by!

ADDED BONUS:  This adventure includes the first lesson of Better Living Through Passive-Aggressive Blogging:  When your mother suggests you should get a cart/basket to collect the glass ornaments, don't blow her off with the statement "I only need two dozen, I can carry them!"  Because you don't just need the ornaments, you also need some type of holiday-type greenery, etc., for the project and it will cause you to walk down EVERY aisle of the floral department of Moskatel's and then, when you finally find something slightly-holiday-ish, your stack of six boxes of Christmas ornaments will become unbalanced and one of the boxes will drop to the floor, smashing two of the ornaments inside.  So, the first lesson from this blog is:  Listen to your mother (more on that in a moment, as well.)  You're welcome.

Now, on to my project.  I've made one set as I'm not thrilled with the greenery I chose (about which my mother opined when I was trying to make a decision "it looks really plastic-y") because--that's right:  It's too plastic-y.  See first lesson from this blog, above.  I will be replacing the greenery, and I still have to come up wtih a bow/hanger for the ornaments, but I am basically happy with my concept. 

Okay, first, the inspiration I have pinned on Pinterest:

And now my crappy picture of my project:

Hopefully, getting some projects done will also cause me to improve my photography skills.  As bad as they are now, anything would be an improvement!  Once I get the greenery and bow/hanger done, I'll only have five more sets to make.  Time to enslave enlist the grandchildren!